CS-RCS 1.0 Registration Form/Invoice Thank you for your interest in registering CS-RCS. Registered sites of CS-RCS are eligible for the following benefits: 1. Full technical support via ComponentSoftware's web site, email and fax for six months. 2. Upgrade to the current version of the product. 3. Upgrades to software releases that fix problems and/or add minor features for six months. 4. Receive software upgrade notices and related products offers. NOTE: Software upgrades is done by downloading; you have to pay connect charges (if any). This order form is valid through June 1997. For up-to-date product information, browse at http://www.ComponentSoftware.com/csrcs or send e-mail to: info@ComponentSoftware.com. *** Credit Card Ordering *** To order by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, EuroCard or Dinners fill the order form below and send it to ComponentSoftware either by fax or CompuServe mail: Fax: 1-800-607-7517 (USA) or Int.+972-3-5320086 CompuServe Mail: 100264,714 Note: CompuServe Mail is a secured private network that protects your credit card details. *** CompuServe Registration *** To have the registration fee added to your CompuServe bill type GO SWREG and follow the menus. CS-RCS registration IDs are: Single user license -- 14214 Five users license pack -- 14218 Ten users license pack -- 14219 *** Other Means *** If you prefer to pay by other means (such as wire-transfer, check, money order, etc.), please visit http://www.ComponentSoftware.com/csrcs or contact ComponentSoftware. *** Contact Information *** If you have any question or need special terms please contact ComponentSoftware. Send your request to sales@ComponentSoftware.com. ------------------- cut here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax to 1-800-607-7517 or Int.+972-3-5320086 or email to : 100264.714@compuserve.com CS-RCS Order form =============== (Please fill ALL fields.) [ ] CS-RCS single user license -- $49 [ ] CS-RCS five users license pack -- $199. [ ] CS-RCS ten users license pack -- $359. (Please check one. Please call if you need license for more than ten users.) *** S&H -- $3 per order. Total payment: $_____ (USD) Name: ______________________ Date:___________ Company: _______________________________________ Phone: ____ (____) ___________ Country Area Number email address: ________________________________ Credit Card Information: [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] AMEX [ ] EuroCard [ ] Dinners Credit Card Number: ______-______-______-______ Expiration Date: ___________________________ Name on Card: __________________ Phone: ______________ (Leave blank if same) (Leave blank if same) Comments: